Dr. Maria Assunta Cuffaro

Dr. Maria Assunta Cuffaro


Individual Counselling

Self-injury, communication, recovery from trust and betrayal issues, grief and berevement, confidence, self-esteem, body image concerns, regulating emotions, perfectionism, family relationships, chronic pain, adjusting to an injury, illness or disability interpersonal aggression, low motivation, creating boundries, depression, anxiety, personality disorders, learning disabilities, behavioural disorders, special needs, all psychiatric and psychological disorders, issues and challenges.

Special Needs

CHILDREN, TEENS AND ADULTS CLINICAL COUNSELLING AND EDUCATIONAL CONSULTATIONS. Assistance with interpretation of assessments or reports. Consultations with schools for special needs. Assistance with individual education plans, assessments, curriculum modification, accomodations, giftedness, learning disabilities and behavioural disorders. In addition, issues at school.

Disability Assessments

When assessing disability or worker's compensation claimants psychological and/or neuropsychological assessments are an integral component of the evaluation during the course of the claim investigation, also assessments for long-term and short-term disability, mental health experts are often called upon to assist in this process. Psycho-educational assessments are possible.

Conflict Mediation

Alternative dispute resolution, mediation, family challenges, divorce and co-parenting, workplace conflict, child support mediation, child custody, third party neutral, mediation, evaluation and assessments for the workplace, individuals and family conflict.

Getting Started

I’m ready when you are! Fill out the contact form to get started.
You’re welcome any time!